SKILLS: letters; words; phrase cards; math facts; shapes, etc.
MATERIALS: small can with a smooth edge (such as one from chips,
frosting, etc.), large craft sticks, markers, wrapping paper
DIRECTIONS: Cover the can with paper and write ZAP! on it as shown.
On the bottom of sticks print words or other skills. On several sticks write “ZAP!” Place all the sticks in the can with the words towards the bottom of the can. Have the children sit in a circle. One at a time, children hold the can and pull out a stick and identify the word on it. When a child chooses a stick with “Zap!” on it, they return all their sticks to the can. Continue passing the can until there is one person left.

Hint! If children can’t identify the information on their stick, let them “phone a friend” for the answer.
More! For older students, add sticks that say, “You get two turns.” “Take a peek.” “Loose a turn.” “Skip.”
Write "Boom!" on several sticks and when children choose that stick they jump up and shout, "BOOM!
Write "Wiggle Worms!" on several sticks. Children stand and wiggle like a worm if they pull this stick.
Glue stars to several sticks. If children choose this stick they get to keep it.
*You can also adapt this game for different holidays or units of study. For example, in October you could use skeleton stickers and the children could “shake their bones.” In January glue a snowman and they have to shiver.
Stinky Cheese
Why? sight words, fluency phrases, letters, math facts, shapes, etc.
What? lunch bag, yellow construction paper, marker
How? Cut cheese slices out of poster board or fun foam. Write letters, words, numbers, etc. on most of the cheese slices. On two slices write “Stinky Cheese!” Place the cheese slices in a lunch sack. Children pass around the sack drawing out one slice at a time. If they can identify the information on the slice they get to keep it. If they get “Stinky Cheese!” everyone holds their noses and says, “Stinky Cheese!” That person must then put all her slices back in the bag.