It's bright and early and before I head to the airport to fly to Wichita I must apologize for my error yesterday about the Super Bowl. Duh?? I thought Denver was playing New England. It's Seattle that Denver will be playing this Sunday. Same activities...different team! Shows you how much I know about the NFL!!! Have a great week!
Several years ago my friend and I were discussing new ideas and I said, “Do you think we’ll ever get tired of this?” Her response was, “If we ever get tired of this, we need to quit.” Well, I’m certainly not ready to quit because I keep getting amazing ideas like these from teachers I meet every week.
Valentine Song
(Tune: "My Darlin' Clementine")
Take some paper,
Take some scissors,
Cut a heart and then design.
Write a message in the middle
Will you be my Valentine?
Post Office (Oralia Brown)
*Use this same activity for matching math facts, pictures and sounds, etc.
School Waves (Leslie Porter)
Principal Love-Day at Taylorsville Elementary School has taught students at different grade levels these waves:
Kindergarten - pinky wave
1st Grade - pointer finger wave
2nd Grade - 2 finger wave
3rd Grade - sign for "I love you"
Criss Cross (Margaret Lacy)
Margaret learned this chant from Harry's Kindergarten on YouTube.
Criss cross applesauce
Hands in lap
Gingersnap (snap fingers)
Back straight
Chocolate shake
On you rear
Root beer
Lips zipped
Cool whipped
Highway Letters (Christina Carton)
Use a green dot to indicate where to start when tracing a letter. Use a checkered flag or red dot to indicate where to stop. Children drive toy cars from the start to stop.
Start at the Top (Melissa Breta, KS)
(Tune: "If You're Happy")
If you want to write a letter start at the top.
If you want to write a letter start at the top.
If you want to write a letter
Then you better, better, better-
If you want to write a letter start at the top.
Is this the top? (Wave hands back and forth by feet.)
No, it's the bottom!
Is this the top? ( Wave hands by waist.)
No, it's the middle.
Is this the top? (Wave hands by your head.)
Yes, it's the top, top, top!
Remember to start it at the top.