Here are some more fun phonics ideas from Lesley!
This is excellent as an outside game. Write a letter on one side of the disc. Put a picture that begins with that letter on the other side. Draw letters on the ground. Tell your students to look at the picture, say the word, and toss the disc to the letter that the word begins with. The letters you wrote on the other side can be hints or self-checking.

Playing with Patterns
These discs are easy to manipulate and fun to touch. Put multiple colors in your math center. Your students will have a ball creating and revising patterns.

Word Building and Word Families
If you have letter stickers these are great activities to use them with. If not, a permanent marker works beautifully! But, after your initial preparation, remove the permanent marker and only provide a dry-erase marker to your students.
· Write or stick individual letters on each disc. Students can build a word like “mop” and then slide the discs around to create new words like “map” or “cap” or “cop.”
· Write or stick a rime on a disc. Students can use a dry-erase marker to write the onset and create the word family.
· Write or stick an initial letter on a disc. Students can use a dry-erase marker to write all the words they can think of that begin with that letter.