Paper Plate Book
Give each child 2 paper plates. Use the plates as a pattern to cut circular pages for the book. Children can draw, write, or cut out pictures of things they are thankful for on the blank paper. Insert their pages between the paper plates, punch a hole at the top, and use a ribbon or a piece of a pipe cleaner to bind the book. Encourage children to decorate the front plate with a title and their name.

Napkin Book
Purchase seasonal napkins at a dollar store. Cut blank paper the size of the napkin and insert inside. Staple at the top and the children will be ready to write or draw in their book.
Fork or Spoon Book
Place two sheets of paper on top of a sheet of construction paper and fold in half. Staple 2" down from the top and the bottom near the fold. Insert a rubber band in one hole and loop a plastic fork or spoon through the loop. Take the other end of the rubber band and insert it through the other hole and insert the end of the utensil. Children can use this as a journal over their Thanksgiving vacation.

Family Celebrations
Holidays are a good time to talk about diversity. Not all families celebrate Thanksgiving, but most families do celebrate something. Ask children to bring in photos of celebrations they have in their home. Put their pictures together to make a class book.