Here are a few ways you can use the highway letters.
Toy Cars- Let children drive over letters with toy cars.
Writing- Trace over the letters with dry erase markers. Erase and use again and again.
Hint! Put a green dot where they start and a red dot where they stop.
Play Dough- Roll play dough and place on top of the letters.
AV - After Vaccine
You'll also want to use these highway letters after a vaccine is discovered with some of these activities.
Songs - Pass out a letter to each child. As you sing alphabet songs, they can stand up when their letter is sung.
Phonics- Practice blending C V C words. (consonant, vowel, consonant) with vests. Add the “silent e” to words to change the vowel sound.
Chunking- Start by asking children who are wearing “a” and “t” to stand. What does that say? Ask “m” to stand in front of “at.” What does that say? Tell “m” to go away and have “r” stand in front of “at.” Have children suggest other letters to stand in front of “at.” Reinforce other word families with this strategy.
Spelling Words- Slowly call out sight words or spelling words. (Stretch out the sounds.) Children come up if they are wearing that sound and make the word.
ABC Order- Children arrange themselves in alphabetical order according to the letter that they are wearing.

Chunking- Start by asking children who are wearing “a” and “t” to stand. What does that say? Ask “m” to stand in front of “at.” What does that say? Tell “m” to go away and have “r” stand in front of “at.” Have children suggest other letters to stand in front of “at.” Reinforce other word families with this strategy.
Spelling Words- Slowly call out sight words or spelling words. (Stretch out the sounds.) Children come up if they are wearing that sound and make the word.
ABC Order- Children arrange themselves in alphabetical order according to the letter that they are wearing.

Here's a video where I demonstrate these highway letters.