Note! You could also share these tunes with your parents.
Full Name
Help children learn their full name “The Wheels on the Bus."
My full name is (first) (middle) (last),
____, ____, ____,
____, ____, ____,
My full name is (first) (middle) (last),
That’s my full name.
Birthdays can be sung to “Happy Birthday to You.”

September 24th,
September 24th,
My special birthday
Is September 24th.
Phone Number
Phone numbers can be learned by singing them to “Michael Row Your Boat Ashore.”

Addresses can be sung to “Do You Know the Muffin Man?”

874 Pine Oak Circle,
874 Pine Oak Circle,
874 Pine Oak Circle,
Cincinnati, Ohio
Zip Code
Learn zip codes by singing them to the tune of “BINGO.”
There is a zip code where I live
And I will sing it to you.
Now I know my zip code.
Transition Rhymes
Birthdays can be sung to “Happy Birthday to You.”

September 24th,
September 24th,
My special birthday
Is September 24th.
Phone Number
Phone numbers can be learned by singing them to “Michael Row Your Boat Ashore.”

Addresses can be sung to “Do You Know the Muffin Man?”

874 Pine Oak Circle,
874 Pine Oak Circle,
874 Pine Oak Circle,
Cincinnati, Ohio
Zip Code
Learn zip codes by singing them to the tune of “BINGO.”
There is a zip code where I live
And I will sing it to you.
Now I know my zip code.
Transition Rhymes
These are good rhymes to transition children, as well as to reinforce birthdays, phone numbers, and addresses.
Hint! Have a “cheat sheet” with the information so you can prompt the children that don’t know.
Apples, pears, peaches, plums,
Tell me when your birthday comes.
Candy, candy, ice cream cone.
Tell me the number of your telephone.
Rabbit, dog, cat, mouse,
Tell me the number on your house.
Apples, pears, peaches, plums,
Tell me when your birthday comes.
Candy, candy, ice cream cone.
Tell me the number of your telephone.
Rabbit, dog, cat, mouse,
Tell me the number on your house.
Hint! Having children make a driver's license might just be the perfect incentive to encourage them to learn this information. Use a small photo of each child and attach it to card stock with information similar to the one pictured. Older children can write in the information and younger children can dictate it to an adult.