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Monday, November 15, 2021



Robert Locke

But what does note taking have to do with young children? All through their educational journey children are going to have to listen and take notes. Why not get started ASAP? However, we need to remember that it is the PROCESS and not the PRODUCT. Here are some fun strategies to help children focus and then scribble, draw a picture, write a word, or just doodle.

Start by explaining to children that taking notes can help them remember important information. As you read a book, encourage them to doodle and draw pictures of things they learn or find interesting. Invite them to share their drawings and recall information with their classmates or a partner. As they progress, suggest they write down words to help them remember things.

Here are some tools children could use for note taking:

White boards (plastic plates can be substituted for white boards)

Clipboards (make these out of corrugated cardboard and use a butterfly clip at the top)

Chalkboards (old fashioned, but the kids still love using them)

Blank books (brochure, house book, or a piece of paper folded in fourths – Put these terms in my search engine to get directions.)

Sticky notes (children can put their sticky "notes" on an anchor chart)

Forms (children draw a picture and then write a sentence)


Encourage children by commenting about what good writers they are as they take notes. “You’re taking notes just like the big kids do in high school and college!” “Isn’t it fun to know how to write and take notes to help you remember!!!”

NOTE! There are countless studies that support when students take notes by hand they remember better than taking notes on a laptop. (