*Pass a hand mirror around the classroom and ask each child to say one thing they like about themselves.
*Have a “compliment circle” where children take turns saying something kind to friends. Friends must respond with, “Thank you!”
*Let children draw pictures to contribute to a class book called “The Best Thing about Me!”
*I CAN DO SOMETHING SPECIAL DAY! Plan a special day where each child is invited to sing, dance, tell a joke, make something, share a hobby, etc. Emphasize that there are many ways to be wonderful!!
*I CAN DO SOMETHING SPECIAL DAY! Plan a special day where each child is invited to sing, dance, tell a joke, make something, share a hobby, etc. Emphasize that there are many ways to be wonderful!!
*Start your day by holding each child on your lap and singing this song to the tune of “Lassie and Laddie.”
Child’s name is important, important, important.
Child’s name is important to you and to me.
At work and at play,
He/she does his/her best each day.
Child’s name is important to you and to me.
Proud Parent - This
book is a fantastic way to make children feel special! You will
need a 3 ring notebook and blank paper for this project. Decorate the cover of
the book with the title “The Proud Parent.” On the first page write these directions:
"Today you have an opportunity to add a page
"Today you have an opportunity to add a page
your child in our PROUD PARENT BOOK.
put a picture of your child at the top of the page.
write a short description of your child.
You might
to include your child’s physical attributes (hair
eyes, etc.), activities your child enjoys, and things
make your child special.
My Good Book - Punch
holes in 10- 15 sheets of paper and insert them in a clasp folder to make a book for each child. Let children
decorate the front cover with a self-portrait. Write “My Good Book” on the front and send home a note
similar to the one below to parents.
your child doing the right thing will help you be
cheerleader that they need. When
your child does something
you want to encourage, take a moment to write it down in
“Good Book.” Read over the book
frequently and discuss
positive qualities.