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Tuesday, August 4, 2015


I've been getting emails that say, "Where are you going, Dr. Jean?" Well, I've got an exciting new seminar called DR. JEAN'S ACTIVE LEARNING ADVENTURE that will satisfy academic requirements as well as add a whole lotta FUN to your curriculum. I hope you can join me at one of these locations. 

November 2 - Madison, WI

November 9 - Philadelphia, PA

November 16 - Cleveland, OH

December 3 - Concord, CA

December 4 - Rancho Cordova, CA

December 11 - West Orange, NJ

February 5 - St. Louis, MO

February 22 - Baton Rouge, LA

March 3 - Augusta, GA

March 7 - Memphis, TN

April 21 - Austin, TX

April 29 - Birmingham, AL

May 2 -  Arlington, VA
*Go to for details.

If you live in Charleston I'll be doing "Transition Tips and Tricks" on the afternoon of September 22 at Christ Church Day School in Mt. Pleasant. (Contact Ellen at for details.) All of the proceeds from this will go to the Amahoro Children's School in Rwanada. Jane Bond is a retired teacher who raised the money to build this school. She also uses her own money to pay for the teachers, night watchman, cook, supplies.... Jane shows us how one person really can make a huge difference in the lives of others and we are lucky to share our blessings through her.

Here's a video of her children singing "Rise and Shine." Oh, how I'd love to sing with those precious children!!!