Games – Use sticks to make game pieces. Write skills on most of the sticks and write “BOOM!” on two or three. Place in a can. Children take turns drawing sticks and reading the information. If they choose “BOOM!” they must return all their sticks back to the can.
*Fiddlestick is a similar game. Color the ends of the sticks different colors. Write skills on the sticks. Place the sticks with the colored end in the can. Choose a color. Pass the can around, and if a child chooses the designated color they yell, “Fiddlestick” and return all their sticks to the can.
Skill Sticks – Instead of flash cards, write skills (letters, numbers, words, math facts,
phrases, vocabulary, etc.) on sticks.
Puppets – Use children’s photos, drawings, or magazine people to make puppets children can use to retell a story, role play, or in other creative ways.
Construction Sticks -Give children sticks, tape, clay, glue and see what those little engineers can create.