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Wednesday, December 6, 2017


My daughter recently shared an article with me that is a MUST READ!

Is the Drive for Success Making Our Children Sick?
Across the country, children are experiencing depression, anxiety and even physical strain because of the pressures of school.

This is a wake up call for educators, parents, and administrators. Holly commented:

As usual, we've got it all wrong--I love the last few sentences about what really matters: "cultivate deep learning, integrity, purpose and personal connection." I think you've been saying that for several decades now!

I have been saying that and I’ll keep on saying that!!! Let children be children! Quit forcing academics down their throats and holding data over their heads and let them enjoy learning, playing, and being with their friends.

I can’t solve the world’s problems, but I can give you a little something to add joy to your day. Several years ago Sara Lensing shared an adaptation of “Going on a Bear Hunt.” My webmaster helped me create this video called “Going on a Santa Hunt.” 


Yes, I know this isn't very professional. It's homemade for sure, but I hope your children will enjoy it!