It’s interesting that some of these animals don’t even live in groups, yet there is a “collective noun” for them.
I’m always looking for something unique and different to share with you, and that’s why I decided to do this blog.
How could you use these?
*Play a guessing game. Put up pictures of the animals and challenge children to identify which collective name goes with each animal.
*Choose one word each day and introduce it to your class. Do they think it is a good name? Why? Why not?
*Let children look for these animals online and do a little research. Where does the animal live? What does the animal eat?
*Give each child a different animal to illustrate. Put these together to make a class book.
There are many lists of animal names, but here are a few of my favorite collective names. What's your favorite descriptive word?
• Bats: a colony
• Bees: a swarm
• Camels: a caravan
• Cats: a clowder and Kittens a litter or a kindle
• Crows: a murder
• Dogs: a pack and Puppies a litter
• Elephants: a parade
• Fish: a school
• Flamingos: a stand
• Fox: a charm
• Geese: a gaggle
• Giraffes: a tower
• Gorillas: a band
• Lions: a pride
• Mules: a pack
• Owls: a parliament
• Parrots: a pandemonium
• Porcupines: a prickle
• Rhinoceroses: a crash
• Skunk: a stench
• Tigers: an ambush
• Whales: a pod
• Wolves: a pack
What's your favorite? I like "tower," "parliament" and "stench" the best!