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Monday, June 21, 2021


As the academic push continued, so were requests where children could sing and master skills. It's much more fun to learn phonics, math, science, and social studies with a tune and movements. This CD starts with a friendship song and handshake and includes "Who Let the Letters Out?" "Spelling Number Words," "Five Senses," "Parts of a Flower," and "My World Family."

Take a look at the songs on this recording:

1. Kiss Your Brain
2. Twinkle Friends
3. Shake a Hand
4. Who Let the Letters Out?
5. Letter Aerobics
6. The Alphabet’s in My Mouth
7. Bitty Bi Bo Bu
8. Vowel Cheer
9. When You Come to a Word You Don’t Know
10. Singular and Plural
11. Verbs
12. Singing the World Wall
13. Spelling Numbers
14. Counting Cadence
15. Penny, Nickel, Dime
16. Insect’s Body
17. Macarena Bones
18. The Water Cycle
19. Litter Patrol
20. Five Senses
21. Parts of a Flower
22. Seasons
23. The World Family
24. We Had a Good Day

Click to see many ways to access the songs on Kiss Your Brain.