Mr. Bear, Mr. Bear, (or whatever your puppet is),
Oh, what do you say?
What is the password for today?
Note! Adapt this idea for letters, shapes, colors and other skills.
*Cut out a giant hand and write the "password" on the hand. Tape it to the door and every time the children enter or leave the classroom they “high five” the hand and say the word.
*Decorate a name badge with fake jewels. Put a new "sparkle word" in the badge each day. Focus children’s attention by singing this song to the tune of “If You’re Happy.”
If you can read this word shout it out. (Children shout word.)
If you can read this word whisper it out. (Children whisper word.)
If you can read this word spell it out. (Children spell word.)
If you can read this word act it out. (Children dramatize the word.)