Book Drawing - Purchase a roll of tickets at an office supply store or make your own. Every time children read a book give them a ticket and ask them to write their name on it. Collect tickets in a cup or sack. At the end of each week, the teacher draws a name and that child “wins” a book. (This could be a book the teacher has purchased or it could be a collaborative book the class has made.)
Stay Up Coupon – Instead of rewarding children with a sticker or treat, give them a coupon that says, “YOU GET TO STAY UP 15 EXTRA MINUTES AND READ TO YOUR PARENT.” Talk about a win/win!
Foot Bookmark – Let children take off their shoes and trace around their feet. Cut out and decorate with crayons or markers. Encourage them to use their foot as a bookmark when they “step into a good book.”
Hint! You could also let children do rubbings of the soles of their shoes and use these as bookmarks.
Read, Write, Share - Franki Reppond, a teacher in Stafford, TX, shared this great idea that she does with her pre-K students. Each month she picks a book and reads it several ways (on-line story, book, magnetic story board, re-tell, etc.) Franki reads the book at least 3 times during the week so the students are able to retell the story as a whole group. Then the children choose a character in the book and write a letter to that character. They brainstorm what they want to say and she integrates concepts about print as she models writing the letter. A second grade class responds to the letter and sends it back to her pre-K class. The Old Lady and the Gingerbread Man are examples of some of the characters they have written to.