Sleigh Riding – Have children sit on the floor facing the same directions. Demonstrate how to hold the person’s waist in front of you. As you sing the song sway forwards and backwards to the beat as if riding a sleigh.
Jingle Bells – Let children thread several jingle bells on a pipe cleaner. Twist the ends together to make a bracelet children can shake as you sing.

S–A-N-T-A - Write a different letter on five sheets of paper. Draw a hand on the back of each sheet. Choose five children to hold these as you sing the song. Explain that as you sing the song, when you turn over the letter and see the hand they should clap.

*Make manual signs for letters as you sing.
My Dreidel - Make an edible dreidel with large marshmallows, pretzel sticks, and chocolate icing. Insert the toothpick in
the marshmallow. Dip one end in
icing. Twirl it in your mouth.
Kwanzaa Friendship Salad –
Ask each family to send it a fruit.
Let the children prepare the fruits in bite size pieces. Put all the fruit in a large bowl and
stir to mix. Serve each child a
portion in a cup. What would
happen if we had just eaten the fruit that we brought? Would it be as good? How is our classroom like that fruit