Dear Parents,
Your child has been selected as “Scientist of the Week.” Please help your child choose an experiment to present to the class on Thursday. You will find some science experiments in this bag, but it might be fun for you and your child to go to the library or search on the internet. Help your child practice the experiment several times so she’ll feel confident when she does it in front of her classmates. We will have “The Scientist of the Week” at 2:00 p.m. Thursday afternoon and we’d love for you to join us.
Hint! If you are in a school where family participation is a struggle, perhaps you could let a 4th or 5th grade student buddy help a different child each week.
*To encourage informative writing, have children make science journals where they draw pictures or write observations of the presentations.
Here is another super science idea that a teacher shared. Ask children to bring in an old white shirt (or purchase these at a thrift store). Cut off the sleeves and write "Dr. child's name" on the pocket. Children can wear these when you are doing science activities. Call children by the scientific name (geologists, meteorologists, botanists, etc.) as you study different themes.