After this past year, we need to do everything we can every day to give children a little happiness. That's why Carolyn Kisloski, Alex May, and I want to give you our BACK TO SCHOOL HAPPIES FREE! We can't solve all the world's problems, but we can give you something to make you smile and excited to start your best year ever!
There are over 100 pages of hands-on learning activities with cheers, handshakes, attention grabbers, transitions, Prezis, management tips, brain breaks, finger plays, math, literacy, science, and seasonal lesson plans. There 15+ song downloads with books and visuals, as well as a video where Dr. Jean demonstrates the activities.
A friend who taught with me over 50 years ago visited recently and said, “I remember how you would take the most pitiful little child and write on their hand: YOU ARE AMAZING AND WONDERFUL! Or, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Or, YOU ARE SPECIAL! She said, “Why did you do that?” My response was, for once in their lives, I wanted them to feel that way. I wanted them to know that someone believed in them. (Now they’d probably throw me in jail for writing on a child’s hand, but you get the point.)
Please remember as you begin your new school year how SPECIAL you are! And, please remember how the little things that you do can truly make a difference in a child's life!

(Tune: “Simple Gifts”)
Jean Feldman and Hollynd Feldman Karapetkova
Tis’ you who cares,
And tis’ you who shares.
Tis’ you who teaches
Children everywhere.
Tis’ you who inspires,
Tis’ you who molds.
You help children’s gifts
And dreams unfold.
Tis’ you our teachers
For some child you’re the
Only one who cares.
And when you come at last
To the end of your days,
I have touched a life
Is what you can say.
It’s not the test scores.
Computers or workbooks.
Into the hopeful eyes
Of each child you must look.
You plant the seeds of learning
With smiles and grace.
Each day you make the world
A better place.
Tis’ you our teachers
For some child you’re the
Only one who cares.
And when you come at last
To the end of your days,
I have touched a life
Is what you can say.

(Tune: “Simple Gifts”)
Jean Feldman and Hollynd Feldman Karapetkova
Tis’ you who cares,
And tis’ you who shares.
Tis’ you who teaches
Children everywhere.
Tis’ you who inspires,
Tis’ you who molds.
You help children’s gifts
And dreams unfold.
Tis’ you our teachers
For some child you’re the
Only one who cares.
And when you come at last
To the end of your days,
I have touched a life
Is what you can say.
It’s not the test scores.
Computers or workbooks.
Into the hopeful eyes
Of each child you must look.
You plant the seeds of learning
With smiles and grace.
Each day you make the world
A better place.
Tis’ you our teachers
For some child you’re the
Only one who cares.
And when you come at last
To the end of your days,
I have touched a life
Is what you can say.