I'm always thrilled when I can offer you translations. I can't do it, but I get by with a little help from my friends like Claudia Hernandez. GRACIAS, CLAUDIA!
Tootsie Roll
Tootsie roll, (Roll hands around each other.)
Lollipop. (Pretend to lick a lollipop.)
We’ve been talking, (Open and shut fingers.)
Now let’s stop! (Make sign language sign for “stop.”)
Tootsie Roll
Tootsie roll, (Roll hands around each other.)
Chupete. (Pretend to lick a lollipop.)
Hemos estado hablando (Open and shut fingers.)
¡Ahora detengámonos! (Make sign language sign for “stop.”)
Hocus Pocus
Teacher says:
“Hocus Pocus!” (Stick out index finger and circle around like a magic wand.)
Children respond:
“Everybody focus!” (Children make circles with fingers and thumbs and place
around eyes like spectacles.)
Hocus Pocus
Teacher says:
“Hocus Pocus!” (Stick out index finger and circle around like a magic wand.)
Children respond:
“Todos concentrados!” (Children make circles with fingers and thumbs and place
around eyes like spectacles.)
Teacher says: Is everybody happy?
Children repeat: Yes, ma’m. H –a- p – p – y. Happy! (Clap on letters.)
Teacher says: ¿Están todos felices?
Children repeat: Si, maestra. F-e- l- I -c- e -s. Felices! (Clap on letters.)
Give Me a Clap (Tune: “Addams Family”)
Give me a clap. (Clap twice.)
Give me a clap. (Clap twice.)
Give me a clap, give me a clap,
Give me a clap. (Clap twice.)
Give me a snap. (Snap twice.)
Give me a snap. (Snap twice.)
Now fold your hands and put them down
Into your lap. (Model putting your hands in your lap.)
Give Me a Clap (Tune: “Addams Family”)
Aplaudamos (Clap twice.)
aplaudamos (Clap twice.)
aplaudamos, aplaudamos,
aplaudamos. (Clap twice.)
Tronemos los dedos. (Snap twice)
Tronemos los dedos. (Snap twice)
Dobla tus manos y ahora bájalas
En tu regazo. (Model putting your hands in your lap).
Sit Down Chant
Clap your hands. (Clap 3 times slowly.)
Stomp your feet. (Stomp slowly 3 times.)
Put your bottom
in your seat!
Sit Down Chant
Aplaude. (Clap 3 times slowly.)
Marchando. (Stomp slowly 3 times.)
en tu lugar!
How Does My Teacher Feel About Me?
Teacher says: “How does my teacher feel about me?”
Children respond: “I’m as special as special can be because my teacher believes in me!”
How Does My Teacher Feel About Me?
Teacher says: “¿Qué piensa mi maestra de mí?”
Children respond: ¡Soy más especial de lo que especial puede ser,
porque mi maestro cree en mí!"

Hands on Top
Teacher says: Hands on top. (Place hands on head.)
Students respond: Everybody stop. (Place hands on head and freeze.)
Hands on Top
Teacher says: Manos arriba (Place hands on head.)
Students respond: Todos paramos. (Place hands on head and freeze.)
Criss Cross
Criss cross, (Sit on floor and cross legs.)
Be your own boss. (Fold your arms and nod head.)
Criss Cross
Cruza tus piernas. (Sit on floor and cross legs.)
Tu estás a cargo! (Fold your arms and nod head.)
Sitting Chant
1, 2, 3, 4 - glue your bottoms to the floor.
5, 6, 7, 8 - hands to yourself and sit up straight.
Sitting Chant
1, 2, 3, 4 - siéntate en el piso.
5, 6, 7, 8 - manos en tus piernas y sentado derechito.
I Think I Can
This is a great song to sing to encourage children to always give it a try. It goes to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”
I think I can are words I like to say.
I think I can are words I like to say.
In time I’ll get it right if I try with all my might.
I think I can are words I like to say.
“Creo que puedo” son palabras que me gusta decir.
“Creo que puedo” son palabras que me gusta decir.
Con el tiempo lo haré bien, si lo intento y me esfuerzo.
“Creo que puedo” son palabras que me gusta decir.