Materials: lunch bags (2 for each child), scissors, markers, tape
Directions: Draw lines 1” apart halfway down from the top of the bag to the bottom flap as shown. Have the children use scissors to cut down on these strips. Turn the flap over and then roll it up tightly to make a handle. Secure the handle with tape. (For a good small motor activity let the children wrap rubber bands around the handle.) Wrinkle and fluff up the strips to make pompoms.

Note! Let children color their bags favorite team colors before cutting them.
*Use the pompoms to clap out syllables.
*Have children repeat a pattern with pompoms. (clap, shake, clap, shake…)
*Play “Simon Says” to demonstrate positional words. For example: Simon Says put the pompoms behind you. Simon says put the pompoms on your shoulders. Simon says put the pompoms under your chin…
*Use the pompoms to spell words. Clap up high for letters that start at the top dotted line. Clap in the middle for letters that start at the middle dotted line. Clap down low for letters with a tail.
*Do addition and subtraction facts with pompoms. Shake left hand and say a number. Shake right hand and say a number. Put hands in the air and shake as you say the answer.
*Play “Follow the Leader” as one child leads and the others must follow the movements.
*Use the pompoms to clap out syllables.
*Have children repeat a pattern with pompoms. (clap, shake, clap, shake…)
*Play “Simon Says” to demonstrate positional words. For example: Simon Says put the pompoms behind you. Simon says put the pompoms on your shoulders. Simon says put the pompoms under your chin…
*Use the pompoms to spell words. Clap up high for letters that start at the top dotted line. Clap in the middle for letters that start at the middle dotted line. Clap down low for letters with a tail.
*Do addition and subtraction facts with pompoms. Shake left hand and say a number. Shake right hand and say a number. Put hands in the air and shake as you say the answer.
*Play “Follow the Leader” as one child leads and the others must follow the movements.
Use the pompoms to cheer letters. Children put their hands in the air for tall letters, hands in front from middle letters, and touch the ground for letters with a tail.