I Think I Can (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
I think I can are words I like to say.
I think I can are words I like to say.
In time I’ll get it right if I try with all my might.
I think I can are words I like to say.
Hint! Cover a Pringle's can with paper and glue on googly eyes. Pass the “eye can” around to remind children to say I CAN!!
Plan a day where each child is invited to sing, dance, tell a joke, make something, share a hobby, etc. Emphasize that there are many ways to be wonderful!!
We Can Help
Have a class discussion about how friends CAN HELP each other. Let children suggest different ways that they CAN HELP their friends. Make a cover for a book that says "WE CAN HELP." Make inside pages for the book that say, “We are good readers.” “We can help you with the computer.” “We can tie shoes.” “We are good spellers.” “We like to draw.” “We are mathematicians.” “We like to clean.” (Include pages that represent the different academic skills, as well as common tasks in the classroom.) Encourage children to sign up on the pages where they can help others. When someone comes to you for help, remind them to look in the class WE CAN HELP book.
Hint! Think "Class Yellow Pages"!