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Sunday, September 1, 2024



Look at this book I wrote in 1997. "Wonderful Me!" "Friends, Friends, Friends!" "Feelings and Emotions," "Same and Different," "Changes"...same song, different verse. 

Those topics have always been important to the WHOLE child. We know that a positive self-concept, self-regulation, and knowing how to get along with others is critical for students today and in their future.

According to CASEL, social-emotional learning can be defined as: “the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.”

My goal over the next 25 days will be to give you "ready to use activities" that can promote SEL in your classroom this year

You'll find the blogs organized around the following categories:
· Activities to help children develop self-confidence
· Songs and cheers to create a classroom family
· Techniques to encourage self-regulation
· Partner projects to develop social relations
· Games and ideas for small group learning

*Note!  Everything will be free, simple, and FUN!


I don't care where I go or what age group I work with, all I have to do is sing this song and I've got them in the palm of my hands. Basically, we all just want to be recognized and feel like someone likes us!

I Like You! (Tune: "Skip to My Lou")
I like you,there’s no doubt about it. (Point to self and then a child.)
I like you,there’s no doubt about it.
I like you,there’s no doubt about it.
You are my good friend.

You like me, there's no doubt about it. (Point to a child and then self.)
You like me, there's no doubt about it.
You like me, there's no doubt about it.
We are all good friends.

*Insert children's names in the song. For example:
I like Joey, there's no doubt about it.
I like April, there's no doubt about it.
I like Leo there's no doubt about it.
We are all good friends.

Hint! Glue googly eyes to craft sticks and give one to each child to use as you sing.

Twinkle Friends
Here's a sweet song to the traditional tune that can help children connect with their friends.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star. (Children face partner and touch
fingers gently in the air.)
What a special friend you are.
From your head to your toes, (Point to head and then toes.)
We are special friends you know. (Hold hands and circle around.)
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, (Gently touch fingers to partner.)
What a special friend you are. (Hug friend.)
Now go find another friend (Children walk around the room
and find another friend.)
And we’ll twinkle once again.

*Continue singing as children walk around the room and "twinkle" with different friends.

Here's the video I made several years ago where I demonstrate many of these activities.