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Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Nurture self-awareness and positive feelings with one of these morning messages.

Morning Mantra

Teacher says: Boys and girls, what is my job today?

Children respond: Your job is to teach us and to love us.

Teacher says: Boys and girls, what is your job today?

Children respond: Our job is to learn and to love each other.

*If a child is misbehaving ask, "What is your job today?  Are you doing your job?"

What Are You?
(Adapted from “The Help.”)

Teacher asks: What are you?

Children respond: I am kind. (Touch the heart.)

I am smart. (Touch the head.)

I am important. (Give self a hug.)

Hint! Make posters of these chants and hang in a prominent place in the classroom.

Tell Me Something Good with the “I” Phone
You will need a cylinder block, an index card, and tape to make your “I”phone. First, make a capitol “I” on the index card and tape it to the block. Pass the “I”phone around the class as each child holds it and says a sentence beginning with “I…” They can say what they are happy about or what they are looking forward to doing that day. Only the person with the “I”phone may talk!

*Pass around the phone at the end of the day for children to say something new they learned or something that made them feel proud.

*Let children draw pictures to contribute to a class book called “The Best Thing about Me!” or "We Are Special!"