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Sunday, September 15, 2024


You know how much kids love to look at themselves in a mirror. Each day put a positive word or note on your classroom mirror to remind the children how special they are!

Star Student
Tape a sheet of paper to the top of a mirror. (Only tape the top.) Tell the children that your favorite student is in the mirror. Let them take turns lifting the paper to see their teacher's "favorite child."

*If a student is upset or sad ask them to look in the mirror. You might be surprised how they will smile and change their attitude!

Happy Birthday to Me
When washing their hands, remind the children to sing "Happy Birthday" to themselves twice as they look in the mirror. (That will make sure all the germs are washed away.)

Tell the Mirror
When a child says something unkind to a friend tell them to go look in a mirror and say that to themselves. How did it make them feel?

Looking through My Magic Mirror

(Tune: “Go in and out My Window”)
I’m looking through my mirror.
I’m looking through my mirror.
I’m looking through my mirror,
And I see my friend (child’s name).

*Take an old picture frame and spray paint it gold or silver. Glue on fake “jewels." Hold it in front of your face as you sing the song. Pass it to different children as you use their name in the song.

Children love to look at themselves in the mirror, so place a mirror above the sink where children clean up.