This is a picture of some children from Minnesota who recycled pockets from old jeans and filled them with poems. My version might be a little easier for younger children. Just seal an envelope, cut it in half, decorate, punch holes, tie on a piece of yarn, and let children choose a favorite poem or nursery rhyme to tuck inside.

*Have children make the pocket at the beginning of the week and then select a special poem to put in it with their parents. is a great website where you can find more information about different ways to celebrate Poetry Month. Here are a few that I adapted for young children.
Put poetry in an unexpected place – How about taping poems underneath a table or a desk? Children can lay on their backs and read with a flashlight or finger light. You could also put poems on the back of bathroom doors, above water fountains, or other places where children have to wait.
Put a poem on the pavement – Pair up younger students with an upper grade student and let them write poems and decorate with chalk on sidewalks.
Read a poem at an open mic – Plan a “poetry jam” and encourage children to memorize a nursery rhyme or poem that they can recite for their friends. A plastic mike from the dollar store would certainly make it more realistic!
What poem are you going to put in your pocket? Come back tomorrow and I'll tell you what's in my pocket!