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Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Faster than a speeding

Now, who could that be? Only Carolyn Kisloski - my friend and creator of great things for teachers, children, and parents. Carolyn has helped me do the "I Can Cards," "Family Activity Cards," "Summer Fun Calendar," as well as co-authored READING RECIPES and MATH RECIPES. All I have to do is mention an idea and...just like magic...she's done it!!! Yesterday I shared some gift ideas to thank volunteers and school helpers at the end of the year. And overnight Carolyn has turned them into something fantastic!!!

Here's a preview of six certificates you can download free:    


Do you know how much money cards cost these days? For $3.50 you get 17 of our favorite sayings and gift ideas to go with them. There are two versions so you can cut them in half and deliver them with the treat. Or, fold them in half so the children can sign their names on the inside.

Here's the link so you can download the whole set.

These are so good I think I'll start giving them to my neighbors and friends!