Day 6 of our trip!
Where Is Square?
Use the tune from “Where Is Thumbkin?” to reinforce colors, shapes, numerals, letters, etc. For example, children could each have a set of cards with the shapes (colors, words, letters, etc.) drawn on them. Store these in zip sandwich bags or lunch bags. Ask them to hold up the appropriate shape as you song:
Where is square?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How are you today, square?
Very well, I thank you.
Back in the bag.
Back in the bag.
Kindness Sprinkles (Christin Cannan)
“Sprinkle” kindness (hands up and wiggle fingers) on the Star of the Week, Birthday Child, or for other occasions.
Good Job Rally (Veda Hamrick)
Have children form two lines facing each other. One at a time children walk between the two lines as friends give them "high five" and say, "Good job!"
Brain Nap (Elsa Jasso, El Paso)
When you need a few minutes to talk to the principal or deal with something tell the children, “Close your eyes and take a brain nap.”