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Monday, February 17, 2014


Day 10 of our trip!

Karaoke Kafe (Pam Stonecipher)
Encourage children to share their stories, journals, and other writing with Karaoke Kafe. Provide a play microphone and special chair where they can sit and read to classmates. Younger children could recite nursery rhymes.

Pass the Mike Recall (Marsha Edwards)
At the end of the day sit or stand in a circle. Use a plastic microphone or cylinder block as you chant:
Pass the mike.
Pass the mike.
What do you have to say?
Pass the mike.
Pass the mike.
Tell what you liked (or learned) today.
(Pass the mike to several children and let them tell what they learned or liked.)

Let’s Go!
(Tune: “It’s Raining”)
Let’s go.
Let’s go.
L –e –t –s (Spell out the last two words)
G – o.