6 vs. 9 (Donna Bell)
Use this rhyme to help children discriminate #6 from #9.
Number 6 is always sick.
Holds his head down, ick, ick, ick! (Bend head down.)
Number 9 is always fine.
Holds his head up all the time! (Hold head up tall.)
Word Wall Ball (Lynn Urban)
Students earn a bead for each word wall word they learn and string it on a necklace. Once all word wall words have been learned, they earn a star bead. In the spring celebrate with a BALL! Students wear nice clothes and their word bead necklaces. Serve refreshments, and dance!

Quiet Poem (Jeannie Sartoni)
I am listening (hands to ears)
Can you tell? (hands at sides as if asking a question)
I can listen (hands to ears)
Very well. (thumbs up)
See my eyes? (point to eyes)
They look at you, (point outwards)
And my mouth (point to mouth)
Is quiet, too! (whisper last line and go “sh”)