Push, pull, click, click - here are ideas that are easy and quick!
Use this chant to focus children’s attention before identifying flash cards:
Push. (Push hands in the air.)
Pull. (Make a pulling motion)
Click, click. (Snap fingers.)
Say this sound/letter/word/shape
This quick!
Story Land (Beth P.)
Go to story land before you read aloud a storybook. Pretend to get on a jet or a magic carpet (depending on the weather). Act out flying and landing to get the kids read to listen. (Watch out for the birds, go through the clouds, etc.)
Friendship Lotion (Jennifer Smith)
Write “friendship lotion” on a bottle of lotion or disinfectant. (You could also use an empty bottle.) Children take turns passing it around as they put some in their hands. When everybody has some rub your hands together as you say…”It smells like friendship.”
*This is perfect for the beginning of the school year or whenever you have issues with being kind to friends.
Human Sorting (Alyssa Putnam)
Place sorting labels on either side of the room. Give each child a picture (trade while the music plays). When the music stops the children look for their picture and sort to either side.
*You can also play the game with four sorting labels.
Four Corners (Jewell Frogel)
During gym play four corners with letters in the corners. Ask the kids to hop to letter A. Walk backwards to letter B. Walk forwards to letter C. Gallop to D.
Home/School Connection (M. Seay)
Make a visual conversation starter by writing “Today at school I…” For a closing activity students circle or color what they did so parents can talk to them about it when they get home.
Musical Adaptations from Tina Cox (a music teacher)
Put pictures of animals in a zip it bag and use for listening with St. Saens’ Carnival of Animals. Move the slide to the picture of the animal that matches the song.
*Use for instrument recognition while listening.
*Adapt “Johnny Jump Up” for instrument recognition. Use composers’ pictures instead of Johnny.
Friendship Lotion (Jennifer Smith)
Write “friendship lotion” on a bottle of lotion or disinfectant. (You could also use an empty bottle.) Children take turns passing it around as they put some in their hands. When everybody has some rub your hands together as you say…”It smells like friendship.”
*This is perfect for the beginning of the school year or whenever you have issues with being kind to friends.
Human Sorting (Alyssa Putnam)
Place sorting labels on either side of the room. Give each child a picture (trade while the music plays). When the music stops the children look for their picture and sort to either side.
*You can also play the game with four sorting labels.
Four Corners (Jewell Frogel)
During gym play four corners with letters in the corners. Ask the kids to hop to letter A. Walk backwards to letter B. Walk forwards to letter C. Gallop to D.
Home/School Connection (M. Seay)
Make a visual conversation starter by writing “Today at school I…” For a closing activity students circle or color what they did so parents can talk to them about it when they get home.

Musical Adaptations from Tina Cox (a music teacher)
Put pictures of animals in a zip it bag and use for listening with St. Saens’ Carnival of Animals. Move the slide to the picture of the animal that matches the song.
*Use for instrument recognition while listening.
*Adapt “Johnny Jump Up” for instrument recognition. Use composers’ pictures instead of Johnny.
Crocodile Circle Time Fun (Dona Worley)
You can make a game using a Cascade dishwasher soap box. See makinglearningfun.com/homepages/alligator/circletimefun for details. Children draw letters or words out of the crocodile.
*Make a hippo game out of a container with a purple top.