Just think if you were a
little kid and you had never held a bottle of glue before. Wouldn’t it be fun to squeeze it all
out? Remind children, “We
just need to use a baby dot of glue.
Not a mama dot or papa dot.
Just a tiny, little baby dot.”
(Be dramatic with this and say “baby dot” in a high little voice.) Demonstrate how to put a dot on a sheet
of paper. “What does that look
like? A little bug? A cookie crumb?” Put food coloring in a bottle of glue
and use it at a center for children to practice making “baby dots.”
School Glue
“This Old Man”)
School glue, school glue,
Just a little dot will do.
Put a dot and spread it around.
It will hold your paper down.
School glue, school glue,
Don’t use more than a dab or two.
When it dries up, it will disappear.
Your work will look good never fear.