Vocabulary – Children can match emojis with words.
Synonyms - Brainstorm synonyms for various emojis.
Descriptive Writing – Place emoji faces in a bag. Children choose one and then write a descriptive sentence about the expression.
Rebus Stories – Children can cut out emojis and use them to write original stories.
*Can children read each other’s stories?
Characters – Match emoji expressions with characters in books.
All About Me – Children can find emoji to complete these statements:
My favorite foods
My favorite color
My favorite places
My favorite holiday
My favorite season
My favorite sport
My family
My pets
Things I like to do*This would be a super way for older students to get to know their new classmates.
Daily Schedule – Use emojis to explain your daily schedule.
Classroom Management – Instead of giving oral directions, try using emojis. They just might pay attention to them better than your words!
Personal Emoji – Let children design a personal emoji that reflects them.
Masks – Give children paper plates and let them create emoji masks. Can they describe their mask and tell why they chose that image?
Drawing – Invite children to practice copying emojis with crayons, colored pencils, paint, markers, and other art media.
Help me! Have you got some other ideas for using emojis in the classroom? If you’ll email them to me I’ll share them on my blog.