*You can also purchase emoji stickers that you can use for some of the activities below.
So, how do we take something that is popular and “child friendly” and turn it into a learning opportunity? Well, I used my

Make two copies of emoji animals or faces. Glue one copy to a file folder and cut the other into separate pieces. Children match up the ones that are alike.
Cut poster board into 3” squares. Glue two if each emoji to the squares. Mix up the pieces and place face down on the floor. Children take turns looking for matching pairs by turning over two at a time. They may keep the pairs they match up.
*Hint! Start with 8 pairs and add more as the children become more confident playing the game.
Provide children with emojis from different categories, such as animals, people, holidays, transportation, food, etc. and challenge them to sort these. What was their sorting rule?
Discuss different emotions that emoji are illustrating. What makes you feel that way? Remind the children that we all have different emotions and that’s O.K.!
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Children write their name under the emoji that reflects how they are feeling when they come to school each morning.
Glue emoji to crafts sticks and let children use them to work out problems or create stories.
Emojis are a good example of something teachers can “harvest” and use for a wide variety of grade levels and skills.