Shake It Up
Hold up your right hand and shake five times as you count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Hold up your left hand and shake five times as you count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Hold up your right foot and shake five times as you count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Hold up your left foot and shake five times as you count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Count to four with each arm and leg…then three…two…one.
End by saying, “Oh yeah!” as you extend your arms and make the letter “Y.”
Balancing Brains
Have children stand. How long can they balance on their right foot? How long can they balance on their left foot?
Can they balance on their toes?
Can they balance on their right foot and extend their left leg in the air?
Can they balance on their left foot and extend their right leg in the air.
Can they balance on one foot with their eyes closed?
Jumping Brains
Ask children to stand and challenge them to jump in their space as long as they can. When they get tired they can sit back in their seats.
Hanky Panky
Tell the students when you throw the handkerchief (or tissue) up in the air they can start doing a silly dance and make funny noises. When the hanky hits the ground they must freeze. Do this several times to get rid of wiggles.

Chop Wood
Hands together as if holding an ax. Place hands on your right shoulder and then cross over your body to your left foot as you pretend to chop wood. Place hands on the left shoulder and chop to the right foot.
Magic Wand
Make a magic wand by covering a cardboard pants hanger with aluminum foil. Wave it over the children’s heads as you say, “Abracadabra! You are rabbits.” Children hop around like rabbits until you wave your wand and say, “STOP!” Continue calling out different animals and objects for the children to pantomime.

Magic Wand
Make a magic wand by covering a cardboard pants hanger with aluminum foil. Wave it over the children’s heads as you say, “Abracadabra! You are rabbits.” Children hop around like rabbits until you wave your wand and say, “STOP!” Continue calling out different animals and objects for the children to pantomime.