Concept Can
Cover an empty oatmeal container for your “concept can. Each week write a letter, shape, number, color, or other concept you want to reinforce on an index card and tape it to the can. One child gets to take home the can each evening and look for objects to go in the can. That child gets to remove the items and talk about them at circle time.
Sharing Shelf
Instead of passing objects around the class, designate a special shelf or table in your classroom where students can place their show and tell objects for friends to look at later in the day.
Have children close their eyes as friends take turns sharing. Can everyone remember one thing at the end of sharing time?
Ask children to come up with three clues about what they have brought from home. (Parents could write these for young students.) After giving the clues, friends try and guess what it is.
Provide a child-size podium (old music stand or giant block) for children to stand behind when they speak.
Show What You Know
Try “show what you know” where children demonstrate something that they can do or know. They could do an art project, make up a song, do a skit, make a video, etc.
Rhyme Homework Bag
Send home a brown “rhyme” bag with each student and ask them to fill the bag with two items that rhyme. At show and tell time, each student removes one item from their bag. Classmates must guess what the second item in the bag is by naming objects that rhyme.
*Adapt homework bags to colors, letters, shapes, science, social studies, and other themes you are working on.