(This is a cookie jar that my parents gave me for my birthday many years ago.
I treasure it! My parents both went to a one room school and my
father even taught my uncle there.)
School days, school days,
Time for back to school days.
Backpacks, and pencils,
And paper, too.
You’ll need crayons and scissors and sticky glue.
Shopping for new shoes and clothes
Who will be my teacher I want to know.
New friends and lots of good times
I can’t wait to go back to school.
Whether online or in person, it's always exciting when the new school year begins.
Virtual School Days
School days, school days,
Time for virtual school days.
You'll need a computer and table, too,
paper and pencils and crayons for you.
Listen to stories and learn new things.
Laugh and play and dance and sing.
New friends and lots of good times
I can't wait for virtual school.
Peace and Quiet (Carol Serna)
To quiet the class hold both hands above your shoulders (like Winston Churchill) and make the “V” sign. Children “sign” it back to the teacher and are quiet.
This is a "silent" attention grabber that would remind children to focus and listen. I like the idea of using both hands.
Push the Wall- Brain Break
To build upper body strength while the children are waiting in line for lunch, PE, or whatever, have them put their hands on the wall and try to push it away. It's almost as good as doing push ups!
Children are going to get restless and inattentive without brain breaks. They can do push ups on a wall, the floor, their desk, etc. Use their brains by having them count, say the abc's, say rhymes, and so forth.