Make Rain
Hold up palm as you say, “Let’s make rain. Do what I do.”
Tap pointer finger on palm for several seconds.
Tap pointer finger and middle finger.
Tap pointer, middle, and ring finger.
Tap pointer, middle, ring, and pinky on palm.
Clap hands together loudly, then reverse movements.
Tap pointer, middle, ring, and pinky on palm.
Tap pointer, middle, and ring finger.
Tap pointer and middle finger.
Tap pointer finger on palm.
Slowly bring palms together and put in your lap.
Twiddle Your Thumbs
Can you twiddle your thumbs?
Can you unwind them?
Can you twiddle your thumbs with the other thumb on top?

See Saw
Palms together. Push your right hand against the left and then push the left hand against the right.
Do the same thing with your thumbs, index fingers, middle finger, ring, and pinky fingers.
Cross fingers to make a beehive. Wiggle each bee/finger starting with thumbs as you count from one to ten. Reverse as you count backwards. Cross fingers with the opposite thumb in front and then wiggle each finger.
Open hands and touch fingertips. Bend in and out. Tap thumbs. Then tap index fingers, middle fingers, ring, and pinky fingers. Reverse. Roll each leg/finger forward and then backwards.

Here's a video where you can see some of these demonstrated:
Palms together. Push your right hand against the left and then push the left hand against the right.
Do the same thing with your thumbs, index fingers, middle finger, ring, and pinky fingers.
Cross fingers to make a beehive. Wiggle each bee/finger starting with thumbs as you count from one to ten. Reverse as you count backwards. Cross fingers with the opposite thumb in front and then wiggle each finger.
Open hands and touch fingertips. Bend in and out. Tap thumbs. Then tap index fingers, middle fingers, ring, and pinky fingers. Reverse. Roll each leg/finger forward and then backwards.

Here's a video where you can see some of these demonstrated:
Wally Acha
Wally acha, wally wacha, (Slap thighs and then cross palms.)
Doodley do, doodley do. (Touch nose and ear with opposite hands.)
Wally acha, wally acha, (Slap thighs and then cross palms.)
Doodley do, doodley do. (Touch nose and ear with opposite hands.)
It’s a simple little song
there’s not much to it, (Slap thighs and then cross palms.)
All you’ve got to do is doodley do it. (Touch nose and ear.)
Wally acha, wally acha, (Slap thighs and then cross palms.)
Doodley, doodley do. Poo poo! (Touch nose and ear.)
“Eye” Exercise
Wally Acha
Wally acha, wally wacha, (Slap thighs and then cross palms.)
Doodley do, doodley do. (Touch nose and ear with opposite hands.)
Wally acha, wally acha, (Slap thighs and then cross palms.)
Doodley do, doodley do. (Touch nose and ear with opposite hands.)
It’s a simple little song
there’s not much to it, (Slap thighs and then cross palms.)
All you’ve got to do is doodley do it. (Touch nose and ear.)
Wally acha, wally acha, (Slap thighs and then cross palms.)
Doodley, doodley do. Poo poo! (Touch nose and ear.)
“Eye” Exercise