Homework is kind of a love/hate thing. Kids “love” to “hate” homework. Homework can be valuable if it reinforces skills and provides meaningful practice. Homework can also help children develop responsibility and keep parents informed about what their children are learning at school. However, homework should NOT take over 30 minutes and should not cause conflict or frustration between a parent and her child.
Think outside the box about homework. Instead of paper/pencil tasks, give interactive activities, such as reading together, playing a game, taking a walk, and so forth.
Here are a few suggestions for simplifying homework and making it a successful routine.
Homework Folders - You will need a pocket folder, crayons, and markers to make a homework folder. First, let children decorate the outside of their folders. Trace around their “left” hand on the left pocket. At the end of each day children put completed work in that pocket and it is “left” at home. Trace around their “right” hand on the right pocket. Use a homework sheet similar to the one below. Fill out assignments for the
whole week and place it in the “right” hand side of the child’s folder on Monday. On Friday, put homework sheets in each child’s folder and review at conferences.
Sample Weekly Homework Sheet
Monday ________________ Tuesday ______________
_______________________ ______________________
_______________________ ______________________
Parent Signature/Comments Parent Signature/Comments
_______________________ ______________________
Wednesday______________ Thursday_______________
_______________________ _____________________
Parent Signature/Comments Parent Signature/Comments
_______________________ ______________________
Tic Tac Toe Homework
Write 9 assignments in the grid. Children must complete at least three during the week and color them in. If children enjoy homework or parents want their child to do more at home they have that option.
*Nightly Five – If you do the Daily Five you might want to use the tic-tac-toe frame to do a “Nightly Five.”
Clipboard - Each child will need a clipboard that she can decorate with her name, stickers, etc. Each day clip the homework assignment to the children’s clipboards. Make sure parents know that their job is to look at the clipboard each night, help their child with the assignment, and send it back to school the next day.
_______________________ ______________________
Parent Signature/Comments Parent Signature/Comments
_______________________ ______________________
Tic Tac Toe Homework
Write 9 assignments in the grid. Children must complete at least three during the week and color them in. If children enjoy homework or parents want their child to do more at home they have that option.
*Nightly Five – If you do the Daily Five you might want to use the tic-tac-toe frame to do a “Nightly Five.”
Clipboard - Each child will need a clipboard that she can decorate with her name, stickers, etc. Each day clip the homework assignment to the children’s clipboards. Make sure parents know that their job is to look at the clipboard each night, help their child with the assignment, and send it back to school the next day.