It’s classroom management week, so each day you’ll find some tips and tricks for organizing your classroom.
Tape two file folders together for each child. Let them decorate the outside with markers, magazine pictures, trading cards, etc. Staple a copy of the word wall to the inside. When children write in their journals or do independent work, they can stand their “offices” up on their desks. Words they frequently spell will be right there for them if needed. Search “mini office” to download free printables for your grade level.
(Two great ones are and

*Make a reading office on one side and a math office with a hundreds chart, math mat, shapes, months, etc. on the other side.
*Use 2 pocket folders to make a mini-office. Children can insert papers they are working on in the left and work they have finished on the right.

*Did you see this math office that a teacher shared in Dallas last week. The counting beads at the top are brilliant!

Last week I was invited to speak in Oxford, MS, at Bramlett Elementary where "magic moments" happen. Oxford is the most beautiful town and is the home of the Ole Miss Rebels. It's also the home of these awesome teachers!