Lasso in all these BIG ideas from the Big D Summer Camp!
Punctuation Song (Shawn Caballero and Ashley Rideout)
(Tune: “If Your’re Happy and You Know It”)
Period, exclamation, question mark.
Period, exclamation, question mark.
That’s our punctuation.
Yes, that’s our punctuation.
Period, exclamation, question mark.
Hands on Your Head (Shawn and Ashley)
(Tune: “Farmer in the Dell”)
Hands on your head.
Hands on your head.
Everybody, everybody,
Hands on your head!
(Repeat with shoulders, elbows, etc. End with the verse below.)
Hands in your lap.
Hands in your lap.
Everybody, everybody,
Hands in your lap.
Quiet Creatures (Jennifer Olayo)
You’ll need a large pompom, small pompom, googly eyes, and a foam heart or flower to make a quiet creature. Glue the small pompom to the large one for a nose. Add eyes and stick the heart on the bottom for feet. Children take out their quiet creatures during quiet activities. If they talk they lose their creature. When they finish they can whisper quietly to their creature.

Ear on the Door (Shannon Kennady)
Put a big ear on the door and when children start to tattle say, “Tell it to the ear.”
Book Treasures (Shannon Kennady)
Read a book and type the title of the book on a strip of paper. Send home the label with a small item that matches the story in a film canister (or similar container). Students share the story and then put the item in a small box that they have decorated.
Snow Day – cotton ball
Spaghetti Poem – spaghetti noodle
Letters to Santa (Shannon Kennady)
Have children write letters to Santa and then let older students (class buddies) respond to them. Put the letters in the freezer and then take them out and return them to the children. Explain that the letters are cold because they just arrived from the North Pole!
Morning Song in Espanol (Tatiana Castro)
Hola, hola,
Yo te dijo hola.
Yo estoy bien y
Espero que tu tambien.
Hola, hola,
Yo te dijo hola.
Yo estoy bien y
Espero que tu tambien.
Quiet Down Song (Tatiana Castro)
La lechusa, la lechusa
Hace sh, hace sh.
No le gusta el ruido
No le gusta el ruido
Hace sh, hace sh.
(Repeat until you are silently singing.)
Leader Song (Melanie Griffin)
Child’s name is a VIP in our room.
She/he is a VIP you see.
She’s a VIP in our room and
That’s a very good thing to be.
Tiara Time (Melanie Griffin)
When the teacher wears a tiara in a small group or while testing the children can’t come to her. They must go to the assistant teacher.
Hall Chant (Melanie Griffin)
Teacher: Are your hands ready for the hall?
Students: Yes, yes, yes they are. (Put hands behind back.)
Teacher: Are your feet ready for the hall?
Students: Yes, yes, yes they are. (Stomp feet.)
Teacher: Is your mouth ready for the hall?
Students: Mmm, mmm, mmm. (Mouth closed.)
Harry’s Kindergarten Youtube
*Clean Up Robot
*Criss Cross Apple Sauce
KOO KOO KANGAROO and JUST DANCE KIDS were other good videos mentioned.